by nancybinspired
Table Of Contents
- Intro
- Thanksgiving is about giving thanks
- Why do you need a tree?
- To Decorate or Not
- Escape the Tablescape
- Gifting
- Socializing
- Summary
So here we are again. They told us when we were young that time gets faster when you’re older. They were right. Why is that? For me the holidays seem like a season that springboards off of September, it was just summer then the seasons changed to fall, wasn’t it just fall? I remember just the other day they were talking about Christmas in July. Is it just me? Please say no.
I’ve gotten to the age where everything is just a circle of life and reflections of all the previous holiday gatherings. For me it’s about another life I had when I was married and my kids were young. Even further back when my parents were alive and then go. back further when my grandparents were alive. Then you have all the relatives that were alive and those holiday memories. Let’s not forget the pets that were around. So it can be sad when you think about all the energy that filled your house and trips you took to visit relatives traveling in snow and meals that were tradition for years. May you’ve moved from the house where those holiday memories happened. Now, it’s looks a lot different. How do we deal? Well we stay in the present moment and look back for the experiences that made us who we are, they should bring smiles.
So for me the holidays brings back a flood of memories. There were times in my life when I loved shopping, buying the Christmas sweaters, all the intricate detailed gifts for co-workers, the mailman, the trash man, my hairstylist, you name it, I was gifting everyone.
There were also times in my life that the holidays were really hard. With each passing season it just seems like we’re living a fast train that’s not stopping, so get happy or get stuck.
This blog is about how to manage the holidays, Thanksgiving through New Year’s as a midlife vibrant woman. It’s okay to have your own spin on the holidays now at this age, and if you don’t feel like it some years, that’s okay too.
I’m going write about my perspective and hope some of it will resonate with you. Let’s get the 2024 holidays started by reading the blog Holiday Tips 2024: How Midlife Women Can Embrace the Journey and Thrive.
Are you ready?
Let’s go!
Thanksgiving is about giving Thanks
So it seems simple right? But retail will take your straight from Halloween to Christmas and bypass Thanksgiving all together. Why? There’s no money in that holiday and they’re all about making their margins black, the sooner the better.
Why should retail dictate our lives? I learned a very long time ago to not let them tell me when I should shop, celebrate and what to buy when on sale. I don’t actually give a shit. Now, when my kids were young and “Santa” was bringing their gifts, I had to comply. I had to make sure “Santa” delivered. That was really the only time in my life when I actually partake in the mayhem. But haven’t in a very long time.
Thanksgiving in America is a reminder of our foundation. (if that’s even really true, don’t get me started), but let’s just stick with the story they told us. The settlers united with the pilgrims and gave thanks and they lived happily ever after.
I think Thanksgiving is about families gathering, stopping the hustle and bustle of every day life. This one day, everyone takes a break to sit down at a table and break bread together. And yes, you’re going to have to deal with those family members that drive you crazy, but it’s one day and it’s tradition, so suck it up.
My hope is that by celebrating Thanksgiving day together, people learn to be grateful every day, because if they do, there is tremendous power in the act alone. (list to my podcast) here:
Why do you need a tree?
So I’m talking to people who celebrate Christmas and the Christmas tree is most definitely a season staple, but do you need one? Well, I say “YES”. I believe that no matter what stage you are in life, whether you want to celebrate Christmas loud or quietly, you need a tree in your home. There is something about having the Christmas tree in your house that changes everything. It changes the vibe, the mood, the ambiance, and your attitude believe it or not.
Go big or go home, nah
You don’t need to go big if you don’t want to and that’s okay. There was one year where I had just bought my house and have next to no extra money, so I went to Target and bought a usb plug in tree that was about 4″ high that lite up. That was my tree that year. Yes. I had a tree, albeit Charlie Brown, but hey a tree is a tree.
The next year things got better for me and I was able to purchase an artificial tree, (yeah my first) and I’ve had the tree ever since. It’s prewired with light and all I have to do is assemble it, fluff it and plug it in. I don’t place ornaments on my tree anymore. (my personal preference) plus it just more to set up and take down. I actually like the simplicity of a plain tree with lights.
You can get a tree for your floor, table top or super mini tree, some with lights and others without, but you should most definitely get one for your home, (and maybe even several rooms in your house).. Okay, yes I like to have small table top trees around my house, again no ornaments, I just plug them in. Go get.a tree. Now. Holiday Tip for Midlife Women Embracing the Journey and Thriving is creating space where you live that makes you feel “at home”, safe, secure and comfortable. It’s okay to change the aesthetics, but fundamentally those are the goals.
P.S. I don’t believe in setting up your Christmas tree until “after” Thanksgiving. Let the seasons be the seasons, there no need to rush the time that is already ticking by so fast it will be Valentine’s Day tomorrow.
To decorate or not
Well the beauty of Holiday Tips for Midlife Babes is actually enjoying the journey. Appreciate where you are in life and that you’ve lived this long. As Albert Einstein said (or maybe he didn’t) “The only thing that’s constant is change”. Keep rolling with change and make your new versions of it.
I will say that this depends on how you want to feel. For me, there is something special about changing the way my house looks for a few weeks during the holidays. I enjoy changing things up as far as decorations go and I’m pretty much a minimalist.
A red throw over my white couch, Christmas and fall candles, I’ll change up my dishtowels and front door. I may hang a wreath and use red placement mats, but I keep it simple, yet different than my day to day.
Again, I say do what makes you “feel” good. Some years even when you don’t “feel” like it, do something smaller, but change it up for yourself because if you live a lone you deserve to be treated special during the Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is a journey for you to embrace and thrive.
If you want to hang lights outdoors you can hire someone to do that for you and take them down. Who in the heck invented that? Genius!
Escape the Tablescapes
I used to work with a woman whose dining room and kitchen tables were always set like a staged furniture showroom. (well that was her day job, but her house was the same!). Anyway to each his own.
Don’t feel pressured if you visit others and they’ve gone all out. I say enjoy the beauty they created for you to enjoy, so enjoy and complement the hostess. There’s no need to judge.
Feel free to escape the pressure for yourself, but always admire the effort of others. If you want to create a Christmas and Thanksgiving vibe, but one staple item as the centerpiece for your table, that’s all you really need.
This is a personal preference, so I’m going to keep this short and simple. Remember the golden rule “It is better to give than receive”. Therefore, give from your heart, not so you get something in return or you’re giving because you were gifted first.
This sounds juvenile, but you’d be surprised how many grown adults still need to be reminded. Holiday tip for women and embracing the journey and thriving means understanding yourself, your needs, your budget and acting accordingly regardless of what others think. It’s okay to be big and bold and it’s okay to just give your time as a gift.
Give gifts to “give”, period.
This really depends if you’re a introvert or extrovert and have obligations or invitations.
I wrote a blog about hosting a cocktail and conversations check out some helpful conversation starters if you’re an introvert. – Here:
I actually think you should step outside of your comfort zone and go regardless if you’re an introvert or extrovert. The season is about embracing change, festivities, and socializing. I’ve found in my life the times that I forced myself to go to an event I didn’t really want to go to ended up being the best time. So surprise yourself and go. If at the very least you might meet a new person or get some great decorating or recipe ideas.
If you’re a midlife babe, alone and don’t have any formal invitations seek out local events like eventbrite or your local area’s instagram page. Check our museums and festivities at your local mall. People watching is the best, I could do it for hours. Get out of your house, go to a restaurant or grab a mocktail somewhere and enjoy the scenery. There are many Christmas Tree illuminations happening this time of year too that would be fun. Step outside your comfort zone and enjoy the season because it will be bathing suit time next week.
Check out my viator and get your guide links here:
Socializing for New Year’s Eve in midlife is basically whatever you want it to be. You can curl up with a book and go to bed before midnight or stay up until midnight. Let’s face it at this age there really isn’t any New Year’s Eve celebration we haven’t done, right? What are some holiday tips for midlife babes embracing the journey of New Year’s Eve? Here’s what I did-
Two years ago I took myself to Nashville for New Year’s Eve and had a blast. I didn’t want to stay home with Ryan Seacrest one more time… so I booked my trip in September of that year.
I wrote a blog about it here: –
So another holiday tip for midlife women to help embrace the journey and thrive is to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new for New Year’s Eve. Remember you’ll be ringing in a new year full of possibilities there is much to celebrate, whether big or small, make it a point to acknowledge the blessing of seeing the calendar turn with all the blessings you’ve been given and those that are coming your way.
Here we are midlife, you could be an empty nester, divorced, living alone, or with a someone. You could have grandchildren and grown children. You could have a huge family, or small party of one. None of it matters when it comes to Thanksgiving and Christmas and how you want to celebrate it in your home. Holiday Tips for Midlife Women Embrace the Journey and Thrive is truly all that. Embrace evolution into a wiser you. You’ve lived a lot of life, be happy and proud of what you’ve accomplished and learned along the way. Celebrate in your own style. You most likely spent years accommodating others, so now it’s time for you.
Decorate if you want to your liking. If you want to go over the top becuase that’s what you do and you enjoy it, continue to do it. If you’ve downside and are tired of all the work, keep it low key and simple. There is really no need to compare yourself with your former self. Things change in life by this age and so does your energy and maybe even your knees can’t go up and down that ladder like they used to (and that’s okay).
Be gentle with yourself. Embrace the journey of life and where you are today. The past memories will always be with us and we can be thankful for them. Create new memories today with your family and friends. If you’re alone, make memories for yourself. Take a vacation, visit events around where you live like the Tacky Light tours we have in Virginia. I’m sure there’s something in your town for you to enjoy as well.
to all the midlife babes out there, this blog’s for you! Cheers!
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!
Let this inspire you today!
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