You begin with a mindset. You’ve decided you want to make a change and this time you’re going to stick to the plan, But, you say, every time I’ve ever tried I failed, why? This won’t work either….
NO! This is not true and let me tell you why. Here’s a secret about fitness. You have to stay committed to the program, so when life takes you off course, you have to get back to it. Sometimes, it takes a few days, weeks, months and even years, but it you get back to it, you’re back and this is where you start.
Now ideally, we would never want to stray away from fitness for too long because of all the health benefits associated with fitness. If you’re dealing with life’s struggles , it’s actually to your benefit to keep hitting the gym as much as you can. When you think about it, it’s only an hour of your day at a minimum in the gym, in a Zumba class. You can spare an hour for you health. Yes you can.
The truth is the longer you stay away, the harder it is to get back. Then not only are you struggling with whatever fitness physical challenges you have, now you’ve added the body image, self doubt, low self esteem factor to the program. So let’s not let that happen.
Now that you’ve decided to commit to how to start your fitness journey, what does that look like for you? Does that look like a daily walk, join a big box gym, boutique, yoga, CrossFit, Zumba class, cycle class, hiring a personal trainer, joining a Bootcamp, What have you decided? Make sure you set yourself up for success. How to start your fitness journey begins with setting yourself up for success. So make sure you’ve chosen an activity you enjoy that will equally challenge you and you’re prepared to take action and go. What does that look like?
It looks like you’ve planned your workouts. Select how many times a week you want to workout and even the exact days if you can commit to specific days of the week. Then how long? One hour Zumba class, 3 times a week for example. The key how to start your fitness journey begins with committing to a non-negotiate time slot. In the beginning of the week, select a day and time that you are committing to your fitness journey. No matter what, you are going to commit to this time, make it doable.
Here’s a trick I used for decades, “I have to leave now, I’ve got a class”. Exit. No one knows what type of class, but my urgency to not miss it was clearly understood. I’ve gotta go not to make that class. That’s how you start your fitness journey. Commit and let others know you’re committed.
Make sure you have the proper gym clothes, shoes, items necessary for the sport you’ve chosen. Water bottle, towel, yoga mat, etc. Pack them, have them ready to go, by the door leaving your house the night before, in your car, just make sure you’ve planned and are ready to “Grab and Go”.
How to start your fitness journey begins with making sure you have a gym bag, yoga mat, gym clothes, the right shoes, tops, sports bra, sock, leggings, shorts, joggers, t-shirt and more. Make sure you have your music, ear buds, AirPods, and extra charger. There’s nothing worse than getting to the gym and you don’t have your workout playlist or music. This is equally as important as your gym bag. (I’ve created a checklist for beginners, no worries)
Have your gym bag packed and ready to go. Plan it ahead of time, place it in your car, next to your keys the night before, so there is zero excuse not to have your gym clothes with you. Make sure you have a water bottle, towel, socks, shoes and comfortable gym cloths, change of undergarments and maybe even shower items. It’s up to you what you need, but how to start a fitness journey sticks with planning for it..
Track Your Progress
Now that you’ve got your musics, playlist, clothes, gym bag, shoes, water bottle and towel set to go, what about tracking your progress? Yes, how to start your fitness journey includes tracking it. So track it. But how? Okay there are several ways.
The simplest way is on your phone. You can use notes, on iPhone or the equivalent on your android and that way it’s always with you in your phone. Now if that’s too distracting let talks fitness journal books. There are many to choose from, I’ve selected a few for your convenience. It will depend on the size and everything you want to track.
For example there are log books for just exercise routines, reps and sets. Then there are some that also tracks food, cardio and more. My advice just starting out, less is more. Keep it simple in the beginning. Your focus is how to start your fitness journey. That’s it. if we make it too complicated, too much to keep track of, you may get overwhelmed if you miss tracking and give up. The goal is success here. Simple is your friend.
Accountability Partner- Do you need one?
Now let’s talk accountability. What type of person are you? Are you self motivated and all you need is a gym class schedule and hours? Do you need a nudge? Do you need someone to go with you? Let’s talk about this.
Remember starting your fitness journey is all about you. I’ve seen over the years sooo many people depending on another person to go to the gym and the first time that other person can’t make it, it’s game over for both of them.
Here’s my tip. Learn to go to the gym yourself. Get your routine down without any interruptions. You will make friends at the gym, promise. Over time you will see the same people there and at the absolute very least, you can befriend the staff. They’re always there, very friendly ready to help you and they’re usually quite happy/pleasant people.
Now if you want to be accountable verbally to someone so they make sure you get to the gym on the days you promised yourself, that’s fine. Tell the person your schedule and ask them to keep you accountable for getting to the gym, that’s it.
100% In
Now that you’ve taken all the steps on how to start your fitness journey, it’s time to give it all you’ve got while in the gym. Regardless if it’s a group ex class, walking on the treadmill, using the circuit equipment, for the time you’ve committed to the gym focus on working out. Do not get distracted.
This is the number one thing I see in the gym. People will take breaks between sets for a very long time while combing through their phones. I don’t recommend this. You phone should be for your music and maybe your workout list, but we talked about that with the journal.
Remember the level we’re talking about here in this blog is a beginner, therefore, you really are trying to set a routine for yourself so when you leave you have sense of accomplishment and want to go back. If you get side tracked, taking a phone call, talking to people (I’m not saying not to be social), but if you get side tracked from the beginning you’re missing out on the reason why you’re there in the first place.
I’ve seen many times where people begin working out, run into people, or take a phone call and the next thing you know they’re leaving. Don’t take the call unless it’s a true emergency. All you need is one hour in the gym, so make it all about you, especially in the beginning.
You want to give your workout 100% of your energy. That doesn’t mean the best in the gym, in class, etc., it means “your” very best whatever that looks like for you. You’ll want to take note of this energy level to set the bar for yourself to surpass it and grow.
Be excited about starting your fitness journey. Share with your friends, get your outfits, gym bag and gear ready. Fitness is a lifestyle and there is no exit strategy so make the best of every workout and every attempt at your fitness.
Slow and steady is your friend. Building the habit first, then trying different levels, workouts, classes and more. At the very least schedule your time for fitness and commit to it. That’s all you have to do. Whether you decide to join a gym, fitness boutique, hire a personal trainer or just start walking the method is the same. Plan, commit and give it 100%. No exit strategy, keep going.
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